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호주 지역별 물리치료학과 에 대한 상세정보
호주 지역별 물리치료학과
작성자 물리치료과 등록일 2015.04.07


UQ(University of Queensland) - Bachelor of Physiotherapy(브리즈번)

Griffith 대학 - Bachelor of Physiotherapy and Master of Physiotherapy(골드코스트)

Bond 대학 - Doctor of Physiotherapy(골드코스트)

James Cook 대학 - Bachelor of Physiotherapy(타운스빌)



University of Sydney - Bachelor applied Science(Physiotherapy) or Master of Physiotherapy(시드니)

Charles Sturt University - Bachelor of Physiotherapy(와가와가)

University of Newcastle - Bachelor of Physiotherapy(뉴캐슬)



Latrobe University - Bachelor of Physiotherapy(멜버른)

Monash University - Bachelor of Physiotherapy(멜버른)

University of Melbourne - Bachelor of Physiotherapy(멜버른)



University of South Australia - Bachelor of Physiotherapy(아들레이드)

Curtin University - Bachelor of Science(Physiotherapy)(퍼스)

University of Canberra - Master of Physiotherapy(캔버라)
